Offering you no-nonsense, great value on limited stock carpets, roll-ends and vinyl flooring

Current Stock

Select a category below to view all our current stock

Stock Carpets
View all our Stock Carpets

We offer well priced, quality carpets, often selected for their excellent value for money but also sometimes sourced from end of range stock at phenomenal prices. We have wool, wool mix and man-made twists, Saxonys, stripes, plains and patterns and of course carpets in colours to suit every room. At any time we keep a selection of up to 100 rolls of carpet for you to take away or have fully fitted in the local area by our expert fitting teams. See our Choosing a carpet section for further details on which carpet type will best suit your requirements.

Featured product

TO ORDER PRICE : £ 21.00 per sq m
SALE PRICE : £ 11.99 per sq m

View all our Stock Carpets

Carpet Roll Ends
View all Carpet Roll Ends

In our Gillies shops much of our business is generated from roll stock. Inevitably this leaves us with a large number of ends of carpet (and vinyl) rolls in many varying sizes and colours. These are accurately measured and then transferred to our Carpet King warehouse where they are heavily discounted for clearance.

Featured product

TO ORDER PRICE : £ 1038.00
SALE PRICE : £ 265.00

View all Carpet Roll Ends

Vinyl Flooring
View all our Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl floors are tough durable, hygienic and easy to fit, making them an ideal and practical solution for kitchens, bathrooms, hallways and other areas that need to be easily cleaned and always looking their best. With modern technology now bringing us vinyl flooring with superior slip resistant and sound insulating qualities, combined with a larger selection of realistic wood, stone and ceramic finishes, vinyl flooring really is the answer to many flooring problems. At Carpet King we keep around 20 stock rolls of vinyl with many purchased as ends of ranges enabling us to pass on huge savings to our customers.

Featured product

TO ORDER PRICE : £ 35.00 per sq m
SALE PRICE : £ 21.99 per sq m

View all our vinyl flooring

"Carpet King offers a selection of over 300 roll ends at any one time in all sorts of sizes, colours and types of carpets as well as over 60 rolls of stock carpet and 20 rolls of stock vinyls for kitchens and bathrooms, in all the popular designs, colours and sizes."

Contact or Visit Carpet King


Carpet King
Unit 6a, Ainslie St
Broughty Ferry
Dundee, DD5 3RR


01382 480180

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 12.30pm - 4.30pm

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Measure Service